Men's BB:
Power 6
Big 10
Big 12
Big East
Pac 12
America East
Atlantic 10
Big East
Ivy League
Metro Atlantic
The American
Atlantic Sun
Big South
Conference USA
Sun Belt
Big 10
Big 12
Missouri Valley
Ohio Valley
Big Sky
Big West
Mountain West
Pac 12
West Coast
Women's BB:
Power 6
Big 10
Big 12
Big East
Pac 12
America East
Atlantic 10
Big East
Ivy League
Metro Atlantic
The American
Atlantic Sun
Big South
Conference USA
Sun Belt
Big 10
Big 12
Missouri Valley
Ohio Valley
Big Sky
Big West
Mountain West
Pac 12
West Coast
Power 4
Big 10
Big 12
The American
Big 10
Big 12
Mountain West
mred's 2024 Big East MBB Tournament Tiebreaker
Select your projected winners to calculate conference tournament seeds
Please tweet or email any issues -- I'll fix problems as people bring them to my attention
Current Records
UConn (18-2)
Creighton (14-6)
Marquette (14-6)
Seton Hall (13-7)
St John's (11-9)
Providence (10-10)
Villanova (10-10)
Butler (9-11)
Xavier (9-11)
G'town (2-18)
DePaul (0-20)
Remaining Conference Games
Unhide Completed Games
December 19-20
Butler 74
G'town 64
no game
Providence 72
Marquette 57
no game
Creighton 66
Villanova 68 ot
no game
Seton Hall 75
UConn 60
no game
St John's 81
Xavier 66
no game
December 22-23
Marquette 81
G'town 51
no game
UConn 69
St John's 65
no game
DePaul 48
Villanova 84
no game
Providence 85
Butler 75 ot
no game
Xavier 74
Seton Hall 54
no game
December 30
Marquette 72
Creighton 67
no game
January 2-3
UConn 85
DePaul 56
no game
G'town 60
Creighton 77
no game
St John's 86
Butler 70
no game
Providence 57
Seton Hall 61
no game
Villanova 66
Xavier 65
no game
January 5-6
Butler 81
UConn 88
no game
Creighton 69
Providence 60
no game
G'town 68
DePaul 65
no game
Seton Hall 78
Marquette 75
no game
Villanova 71
St John's 81
no game
January 9-10
DePaul 58
Creighton 84
no game
G'town 70
Seton Hall 74
no game
Marquette 62
Butler 69
no game
St John's 75
Providence 73
no game
Xavier 75
UConn 80
no game
January 12-14
Villanova 94
DePaul 69
no game
Butler 72
Seton Hall 78
no game
Creighton 66
St John's 65
no game
Providence 65
Xavier 85
no game
UConn 80
G'town 67
no game
January 15-17
Marquette 87
Villanova 74
no game
Seton Hall 80
St John's 65
no game
Xavier 85
Butler 71
no game
UConn 62
Creighton 48
no game
DePaul 62
Providence 100
no game
January 19-20
Xavier 92
G'town 91
no game
Butler 74
DePaul 60
no game
Seton Hall 94
Creighton 97 3ot
no game
St John's 72
Marquette 73
no game
Villanova 65
UConn 66
no game
January 23-24
Creighton 85
Xavier 78
no game
G'town 66
Butler 90
no game
DePaul 73
Marquette 86
no game
Seton Hall 63
Providence 67
no game
St John's 70
Villanova 50
no game
January 27-28
Butler 88
Villanova 81 2ot
no game
Creighton 85
DePaul 62
no game
Marquette 75
Seton Hall 57
no game
Providence 84
G'town 76
no game
UConn 99
Xavier 56
no game
Jan 30-Feb 2
DePaul 39
Seton Hall 72
no game
Villanova 80
Marquette 85
no game
UConn 74
Providence 65
no game
Xavier 88
St John's 77
no game
Creighton 98
Butler 99
no game
February 3-4
DePaul 68
Xavier 93
no game
G'town 57
Marquette 91
no game
St John's 64
UConn 77
no game
Villanova 68
Providence 50
no game
February 6-7
UConn 71
Butler 62
no game
St John's 85
DePaul 57
no game
Providence 91
Creighton 87 ot
no game
Seton Hall 76
G'town 70
no game
Xavier 56
Villanova 53
no game
February 10-11
Butler 75
Providence 72
no game
G'town 64
UConn 89
no game
Marquette 86
St John's 75
no game
Xavier 71
Creighton 78
no game
Villanova 80
Seton Hall 54
no game
February 13-14
Butler 72
Marquette 78
no game
Creighton 94
G'town 72
no game
Providence 75
St John's 72
no game
DePaul 65
UConn 101
no game
Seton Hall 88
Xavier 70
no game
February 16-18
G'town 54
Villanova 70
no game
Butler 57
Creighton 79
no game
UConn 81
Marquette 53
no game
Providence 81
DePaul 70
no game
St John's 62
Seton Hall 68
no game
February 20-21
Creighton 85
UConn 66
no game
Villanova 72
Butler 62
no game
G'town 85
St John's 90
no game
Marquette 105
DePaul 71
no game
Xavier 75
Providence 79
no game
February 24-25
UConn 78
Villanova 54
no game
DePaul 76
G'town 77
no game
Seton Hall 76
Butler 64
no game
Marquette 88
Xavier 64
no game
St John's 80
Creighton 66
no game
February 27-28
Villanova 75
G'town 47
no game
Butler 59
St John's 82
no game
Creighton 85
Seton Hall 64
no game
Marquette 91
Providence 69
no game
Xavier 91
DePaul 58
no game
March 2-3
Creighton 89
Marquette 75
no game
DePaul 63
Butler 82
no game
G'town 93
Xavier 98
no game
Providence 60
Villanova 71
no game
UConn 91
Seton Hall 61
no game
March 5-6
DePaul 77
St John's 104
no game
G'town 58
Providence 71
no game
Butler 72
Xavier 66
no game
Marquette 67
UConn 74
no game
Seton Hall 66
Villanova 56
no game
March 9
Providence 60
UConn 74
no game
Seton Hall 86
DePaul 62
no game
St John's 86
G'town 78
no game
Villanova 67
Creighton 69
no game
Xavier 80
Marquette 86
no game
Click to set all future games to "no game"
Home team listed first.
Game schedules and scores are from
For future games, teams with a higher NCAA NET ranking (MBB/WBB) or favored by Sagarin rating (FB) are selected by default.
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